Bernd Seeberger (Scientific Director)

Univ.-Professor for Gerontology and Demography

Dr. phil, Dr. habil. ; Qualified Social Gerontologist; Qualified Social Pedagogue


Esfandiar Tabari (Scientific Director)

Dr. Phil. Dipl.-Phys.

Visiting Professor for Philosophy at the Akdeniz University;

Adjunct Researcher at the UMIT University in Hall in Tirol.

Technology Expert (AI and Digitalization)


Tamara Gehring-Vorbeck

Prof. Dr.



Horst Wiesent

Dr. Dr. phil. Diplom- Verwaltungswirt (FH)


Martin Pallauf

Ass.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Pflegewirt (FH)


David Rester

Ass.-Prof. Dr. phil. Dipl.-Pflegewirt (FH)


Christian Heidle

Dr. rer. medic. M.Sc. – Gesundheits- und Pflegewissenschaften


Michele Spadaccini

Dr. Phil. Historian


Dennis Roth

Dr. phil. Dipl.-Pflegewirt (FH)


Gerd Schuster

Dr. phil. Psychology


Jalal Alnatur

Dr. rer. medic


Hasan Gençel

Dr. phil. (Schwerpunkt Gerontologie)
M.A. (Management), Dipl.-Ing. (FH), OStR (Berufsschullehrer)


Amir Tabari

Arzt und Medizinethik

doctor and medical ethics


Johanna Panagiotou


American cultural history and transatlantic studies

Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität Munich
